Incarceration & Restorative Justice Isues 2019/2020 Legislative Session
The California Catholic Conference advocates and monitors legislation that falls under their priorites. One of those areas is Restorative Justice. Below is a list of this legislative sessions bills that deal with Restorative Justice practices. If you have any questions regarding the specific position on certain bills, please reach out to their office for more information.
Incarceration and Restorative Justice Issues 2019/2020 Legislative Session Report
Mobilization at the Capitol on September 20 for Family Visitation Rights
September 15, 2016 – We need you in Sacramento on Tuesday. SB 1157, which protects the rights of families to visit their loved ones in county jail in-person, is in front of Governor Jerry Brown. Sheriffs across the state are trying to eliminate visiting rooms, leaving families with nothing but video calls to connect with their loved ones. SB 1157, by Senator Holly Mitchell, would prevent sheriffs from taking away visitation and is awaiting Governor Brown’s signature. We urgently need your support to guarantee that families have the right to visit their loved ones in California jails. Please join us in Sacramento this Tuesday Sept. 20th @9:30am to ask Governor Brown to sign SB 1157.
9:30 am - Gather on steps of State Capitol
10:00am - Press Conference
10:30am - Delegation to Governor Brown’s office
Sign the Petition! We will be sending a delegation of families with incarcerated loved ones to deliver our petition to Governor Brown urging him to sign SB 1157. Help us get 5,000 signatures by Tuesday morning!
For more information, contact:
Endria Richardson, Policy Director
Legal Services for Prisoners with Children
(510) 484-9214
Urge Governor Brown to Sign AB 2590: Restorative Justice into Law
September 12, 2016 – AB 2590 bring a restorative justice framework to sentencing and encourages the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to expand programs that heal victims, rehabilitate offenders, and create safer communities. After much hard work, the bill is now on Governor Brown's desk. Urge him to sign AB 2590.
Send a message to Governor Brown >>
Help Make California Safer and Prisons More Humane
September 8, 2016 – The California Catholic Conference is proud to be a co-sponsor, along with other faith leaders, of AB 2590, the Restorative Justice Act, authored by Dr. Shirley Weber (D-San Diego). This bill would declare that the purpose of sentencing in criminal cases is public safety and direct the state prison system to add rehabilitation and restorative justice principles to punishment as part of their mission statement.
Send a message of support to the Governor's office now >>
Allow Families to Visit Incarcerated Loved Ones
September 8, 2016 – As more and more California prisons and jails turn to video-only visitations, SB 1157 (Mitchell, D- Los Angeles) will ensure that they also maintain person-to-person visiting capabilities.
Send a message of support to the Governor's office now >>
The Restorative Justice Act (AB2590) Needs Letters of Support Now!
September 1, 2016 – It’s been an exciting eight months. AB 2590, our restorative justice bill, has passed out of the Senate and Assembly and is now heading to the Governor’s desk. So now is the time for you and all your organizations to begin sending letters of support to the Governor. Attached is a sample copy for your use. Please send your letter to:
Governor Jerry Brown, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814
Please cc: Dan Seeman, the Governor’s Staff person handling this issue (at the same address)
Email a copy to: Linda Wanner, CCC's Associate Director for Government Relations,
Conference Provides Resources for Parishes on Prop 62
August 30, 2016 – The California Catholic Conference has created a set of resources that can be used to help pastors and parishes learn about and support Proposition 62 on the November ballot. This is the initiative to end the use of the death penalty in California. Resources include homily aids, talking points and Prayers of the Faithful.
Read the Bishops' statement of support English >> Spanish >>
Talking Points >>
Homily Aids >>
Prayers of the Faithful English >> Spanish >>
AB 2590 Wins Senate Approval and Heads Back to Assembly
August 26, 2016 – The Restorative Justice Act (AB 2590) took another step forward this week toward becoming law. The Senate voted 26-13 in favor of the bill, with amendments, and sent it back to the Assembly for approval or concurrence on the changes.
If you haven’t done so yet, please join the Catholic Legislative Network where you can get weekly email updates and Alerts to take action on the bill.
Make Calls to Protect the Rights of Youth in Custody with SB1052
August 20, 2016 – The CCC supports SB 1052. It is an important step toward protecting children and youth who are in custody and facing interrogation. If passed, it would mean that youth under 18 would get a chance to consult with an attorney before they give up their rights.
SB 1052 will be voted on in the Assembly early next week. The District Attorneys Association has marked it as one of their top two bills-to-kill. Would you urge your members to call their representatives? It’s a 30-second call, and here are easy-to-use instructions.
Watch the video about this issue >>
The Restorative Justice Act (AB2590) Continues to Advance
August 15, 2016 – AB2590, The Restorative Justice Act, was amended in the Senate Appropriations Committee and passed out of that committee on a 5-2 vote. Assembly Member Dr. Shirley Weber (D, San Diego) is the principle author of this legislation. Senator Loni Hancock has merged her bill SB 1324 with AB2590, and is the principal coauthor. Senator Jim Beall and Assemblymembers Atkins, Chu and Stone have joined as coauthors. The bill will be heard on the Senate Floor next week, August 22-26. After that, it will need to go back to the Assembly Floor for concurrence by the members (because there were amendments to the bill since it passed out of the Assembly).
CA Bishops Announce Support of Proposition 57 on the November Ballot
August 2, 2016 – The California Catholic Conference of Bishops issued a statement today in support of Proposition 57 – The Public Safety and Rehabilitation Act. This initiative on the November ballot refocuses our criminal justice system to include rehabilitation, treatment and education programs. Proposition 57 is a balanced approach that advances the well-being of all the residents and communities in our state.
Read the full press release >>
CA Bishops Announce Support for Prop 62 to End Death Penalty
July 14, 2016 – This morning, the Catholic Bishops of California announced that they support Proposition 62 to end the use of the death penalty in California. The bishops stated, "Our commitment to halt the practice of capital punishment is rooted both in the Catholic faith and our pastoral experience. All life is sacred – innocent or flawed – just as Jesus Christ taught us and demonstrated repeatedly throughout His ministry."
Read the full statement English >> Spanish >>
Restorative Justice Act (AB2590) Passes Senate Public Safety Committee
June 29, 2016 – AB2590, The Restorative Justice Act, passed out California's Senate Public Safety Committee yesterday morning with a 5-2 vote. A huge thanks to Assembly Member Dr. Shirley Weber (San Diego) for her leadership and support of the bill. Linda Wanner of the California Catholic Conference teamed with Jim Lindburg (Friends Committee on Legislation) and Sawait Hezchias-Seyoum (PICO California) to coordinate our lobbying efforts.
Witnesses from the Conference's restorative justice network testified at the hearing. Rita Chairez and Dionne Wilson spoke from the perspective of being survivors of violent crime. Deacon John Storm, Diocesan Restorative Justice Director from Santa Rosa, spoke for the bill and its alignment with Catholic Social Teaching.
Public Safety Committee members who supported AB2590 with YES votes were: Loni Hancock (Chair), Carol Liu, Mark Leno, Bill Monning, and Steven Glazer. The two committee members voting against the bill were Joel Anderson (Vice Chair) and Jeff Stone.
AB2590 Passes in Assembly Vote
May 27, 2016 – AB2590, The Restorative Justice Act (Weber-San Diego), was heard on the Assembly Floor today, and it passed with flying colors. The vote was 47 Aye, 24 No, and the remaining members didn’t vote for one reason or another. The photo of the tally board shows how each Assembly member voted. Now, the bill will move to the Senate for committee and floor hearings.
Watch YouTube video of the vote >>
If you haven’t done so yet, please join the Catholic Legislative Network where you can get weekly email updates and Alerts to take action on the bill.
AB2590 Goes to Floor for Vote on May 27
May 25, 2016 – The Restorative Justice Act will be heard on the Assembly floor this Friday, May 27. Please ask your member to consider supporting AB 2590.
Two Death Penalty Initiatives — One For, One Against
May 17, 2016 – On Tuesday, two separate hearings were held at the Capitol to explain two initiatives that deal with the death penalty. Both have submitted the required signatures and are currently waiting to be certified by the Secretary of State.
The Justice That Works Act of 2016, seeks to end the death penalty in our state. The objective of the Death Penalty Reform and Savings Act of 2016 is to speed up the judicial review of death penalty cases and executions.
The hearings allowed both proponents and opponents to testify so that the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) can prepare its review of the dueling initiatives. Members of both the State Senate and Assembly were present throughout the hearing.
We will have more on initiatives as they qualify for the ballot.
Learn more about the Justice That Works Act of 2016 >>
Deadlines Extended for Written Testimony on Death Penalty Injections
May 13, 2016 — The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation has once again extended the written public comment periodregarding proposed amendments to California Code of Regulations regarding the administration of the death penalty by lethal injection. Father George Horan testified on our behalf at the first hearing in January and also submitted written opposition.
Written comments must be received by 5pm on July 11, 2016.
Mail, fax, or e-mail comments, questions to:
Timothy M. Lockwood
Chief, Regulation and Policy Management Branch
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
P.O. Box 942883, Sacramento, California 94283-0001
(916) 445-2269
Fax: (916) 324-6075
In the event this contact person is unavailable, inquiries should be directed to Joshua Jugum at (916) 445-2228.