Crime Victims' Guidebook
By Rose Preston
Victim Allies Project 2014
A wealth of practical information for victims' families and survivors of violent crime. Recommended by Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking.
Handbook of Restorative Justice: A Global Perspective
By Dennis Sullivan and Larry Tifft, editors
Routledge International Handbooks 2007
Learning to Sing in a Strange Land: When a Loved One Goes to Prison
By Wesley Stevens
Wipf & Stock 2009
The Little Book of Restorative Justice
By Howard Zehr
Good Books 2002
Responsibility, Rehabilitation, and Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on Crime and Criminal Justice
By the US Conference of Catholic Bishops 2000
The Spiritual Roots of Restorative Justice
By Michael Hadley
State University of New York Press 2001
Transcending: Reflections of Crime Victims
By Howard Zehr
Good Books 2001
Understanding Victims and Restorative Justice
By James Dignan
Open University Press 2004
Walking After Midnight: One Woman’s Journey Through Murder, Justice and Forgiveness
By Katy Hutchison
New Harbinger Publications 2006
What to do When the Police Leave: A Guide to the First Traumatic Days of Loss
By Bill Jenkins
WBJ Press 2001
If you are interested in reading more about the Chaplaincy inside the Prisons, Jails and Correctional Facilities, here is a list of reading materials recommended by Father George Williams, S.J., who is the Catholic Chaplain at San Quentin State Prison. Link >>
Deadline: The Movie
This rigorous and stylish documentary delves into the 2002 actions by former Republican governor of Illinois, George H. Ryan, after an investigative journalism class at Northwestern University proved that three men on Illinois' death row were innocent. The question is whether the legal system can keep an innocent man from being condemned to death. The debate is by no means simple, and "Deadline" presents a balanced picture interviewing lawyers, anti-death penalty advocates, politicians and men who've been released from death row.
Healing the Wounded Heart
San Dimas Ministry Videos
4.32 minutes
A Ministry of Presence
Archdiocese of San Francisco, Off. of Public Policy & Social Concerns
3.44 minutes
San Dimas: Take a Deeper Look, 5 Interviews
11 minutes
Opportunities to become involved with and to mentor youth in our communities work because Healed people, heal people.