Join the Ecumenical Effort to Implement Restorative Justice Practices in Our Diocese.
We are partnering with COPA and California People of Faith Working against the Death Penalty to present a series of Encuentros, where anyone can learn about the various ministries within Restorative Justice (for victims, perpetrators, family members, and the community as a whole).
Put Prop 47 into Effect
COPA and the diocese are working together to sponsor Prop 47 Summits, at which anyone who stands to benefit from Prop 47 can meet with counselors, attorneys, and other service providers to apply for all the benefits offered by Prop 47.
Volunteer Opportunities
- Organizing to expand diversion programming in Santa Cruz County for those struggling with substance abuse
- Engaging parishes in conversations with at-risk youth and young families about pressures and challenges in the region
- Working with immigrant victims and witnesses of violent crime to ensure safe cooperation with law enforcement
- Retreats for veterans dealing with PTSD and moral injury
Deacon Warren Hoy
(831) 645-2845