Howard Zehr, known as the father of restorative justice, once said, “If crime is a wound, justice should be healing.” Simply put, the church defines justice as the “right order of relationships.” It is a tremendous honor and obligation to bring people into right relationship with others, and to heal the wounded in our midst. Restorative justice empowers survivors of crime and their families by:
- Providing for physical and emotional care first
- Ensuring obligations created by the offender are met
- Requiring community services that encourage a healthy return to life
Visit the Restore Justice Wall of Remembrance >>
Examples of RJ at work for victims and families:
San Diego Restorative Justice Mediation Program
Help, Hope & Healing family support groups in Los Angeles
Ministry of Presence for victims of violent crime in San Francisco
Bereavement Ministry Training
Read the article of 2019's training at Mater Dolorosa in Sierra Madre, CA
List of resources for Bereavement Ministers and participants