Support for Families

Support & Resources for Families & Victims

Liks to non-governmental organizations that provide support, resources, and information for homicide victims’ families.

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Crime Victims' Guidebook

By Rose Preston. A wealth of practical information for victims' families and survivors of violent crime. Recommended by Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking

Download the book

Local Support

For resources in your community, contact the Restorative Justice staff person in your area

Directory of Crime Victim Services, an online database compiled by the Office of Victims of Crime. 

Statewide Support

California Crime Victims for Alternatives to the Death Penalty 
CCV supports all families in telling their stories and educates the public about alternatives to the death penalty. CCV can also direct families to available support and resources regardless of their views on the death penalty or whether the perpetrator has been apprehended.

(415) 262-0082

Center for Restorative Justice Works
A grass-roots effort to mend and support families separated by incarceration. CRJW is the umbrella for three direct service programs: Get on the Bus, Chowchilla Family Express and Cross Over.
(818) 980-7714

Friends Outside
Programs include assistance with reentry and family reunification; parenting education, fatherhood programs, alternatives to violence and anger management for incarcerated people.
(209) 955-0701 

Get on the Bus
A program to provide assistance and transport to children of prisoners in California can visit their parents. 
(818) 980-7714  

Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation 
 MVFR is a community led by family members of murder victims and the executed that advocates for the repeal of the death penalty.
(877) 896-4702

National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children
POMC provides support and assistance to all survivors of homicide victims while working to create a world free of murder. There are several chapters of this national organization in California.
(513) 721-5683