Participate in a Circle of Healing Group
You can offer support to people who have lost a loved one to murder or who have a loved one in prison. The groups create opportunities for healing, foster relationships, provide leadership training, and give people the chance to discuss and work toward changing of the criminal justice system. Learn more
Finding the Way to Restorative Justice
FTW is a 12 Step recovery process for prisoners to facilitate reconciliation. The Sheriff’s Department supports and participates in the program.
Become part of the Ministry to the Incarcerated
Join our hundreds of volunteers, both ordained and lay, who minister to the spiritual needs of the inmates. We have a Chaplain's Ministry that serves 21,325 inmates throughout the county jails, juvenile halls, and camps.
You can join our Families of the Incarcerated (FOI) Ministry
We hold workshops in English and Spanish for 320 family members, organize trips to 14 prisons/jails throughout state to foster or preserve connections for 411 family members, including children, and provide ongoing spiritual accompaniment and support. We also love hosting a Christmas party with the community's help for 160 family members.
Join our Victim Ministry
You can help us with our Group Therapy Sessions and Support Workshops, as well as Ongoing Spiritual Accompaniment and Support for victims of violent crime.
Mr. Gonzalo DeVivero
(818) 429-7268